Link Kext Helper For Mac

Jul 06, 2017 Make sure to replace “kext.kext” with the name of your kext file. Enter your administrator password. Remember that the cursor will not move as you type in your password. If your hardware doesn’t start working right away, restart your Mac to finalize the process. Disable Mac OS X Keyboard (built-in only). Copy link Quote reply. Any help is appreciated. (kernel) Kext not found for. Hackintosh EFI and Kext, Clover theme, macOS installer image, mac Free App. xzhih/hackintosh-list.



Jul 22, 2018
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OS X/macOS
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  1. MacBook Pro
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While installing macOS, you might have faced issue that the Keyboard and the Mouse doesn't works. There's no response from both the Devices. This is generally caused by no kext present for Keyboard and Mouse, and USB not being working and active.
So here's a quick guide to fix Keyboard and Mouse when installing. The fix works for USB and PS2 interface. On Laptops, the keyboards are generally PS/2 so you can use this guide if the keyboard isn't working.
Link Kext Helper For MacGet Device Information
The very first step is to get the device information. The device information is basically a manufacturer name and model no.
Link kext helper for mac freeYou can use Device Manager in Windows to get the information
Download VoodooPS2Controller
The next step is to download the required kext to enable the hardware.
DownloadsLink Kext Helper For Mac
Note :
  • Download the latest version for better support.

Mounting the EFI Partition and placing kext
  1. Mount your EFI partition of your USB
  2. Copy VoodooPS2Controller.kext from Release folder downloaded above.
  3. Navigate to EFI/Clover/kexts/Other and place the both the kexts to this location.
Notes :
  • If the kext is already present in the directory, replace them with a new version
After making all the necessary changes, restart and boot to the installation.
If the Keyboard and Mouse doesn't work follow the steps below.
Fixing USB Ports
If the devices are still not working, there's issue with the USB ports.
To fix the USB ports, follow the guide here:

Download Kext Helper B7

Make the necessary changes and boot off your system. The devices should work now.
  • While installing Clover Bootloader, if you've installed 'AppleKeyFeeder-64' this can cause issue with the keyboard functioning. You'll need to remove it to prevent further errors.
  • If the PS/2 Keyboard doesn't works, install PS2MouseDxe-64 from Clover Bootloader.