Saints Row 3 Character Creation

In Saints Row: The Third (aka Saints Row 3) for PS3 and Xbox 360, obviously you’re a lot more limited on mods compared to the PC version. On the PC version you can install all sorts of mods to create nude characters and such, but is there anything you can do on the console versions that is similar?

Saints Row: The Third Summary: The Saints are kings of Stilwater, but The Syndicate, a legendary criminal fraternity, has turned its eye on the Saints and demands tribute. But from the little they have shone from Saints Row 4 the new character creator is almost exactly the same just with more options. So if you remember what you did it will be easy to just make your character again. Gamer Tag: JasonPogo And since experience has been the mistress of whoever has written well. How can I apply custom character after the servers shutdows? Check out the mod page for saints row. That mod might still be there i don't know. Your character should look like the promotional artwork for the boss in Saints Row The Third. Remember, this guide is bound to not be 100% accurate. For example, the spiky looking haircut wasn't in the game so we will just have to make do with the slick executive haircut which looks most similar.

Saints Row 3 Character Creation Formulas

Well, luckily the developers were thinking of us when they created the game.

Go to the Leather & Lace clothing shop in Camano Palace (on the North East side of the islands).


Saints Row 3 Character Creation Formulas


Saints Row 3 Character Creation

Saints row 3 character creation formulasCharacter

In Leather & Lace, under the Bra section you’ll find an item called Cover Your Nips. They’re pasties sure, but you can color them fleshy colors. If you zoom way up it’s pretty obvious, but from the typical “5 foot rule” they’re fairly convincing.

I realize that this is just a work around, but this is really all we have on the console versions. If you want full customization, you’ll have to play the PC version instead.